Home The Sticky Stuff Sniff, Sniff: The FDA Speaks Out Against Poppers

Sniff, Sniff: The FDA Speaks Out Against Poppers

by Alan Breslaw

Looks like a lot of people are about to second guess those little brown bottles.

Just days before Pride weekend, the FDA announced on Twitter that they were advising against “the purchase or use of nitrite ‘poppers,'” listing several potentially harmful side effects, including death.

Even the most dedicated poppers sniffer—those who know that sometimes the fastest way to get fucked is to sniff from the bottle labeled VHS cleaner and feel all of their muscles relax while their head swims—has known that there could be no way amyl nitrite isn’t unhealthy. But there’s a difference between hearing stories about potentially going blind from poppers use and hearing the FDA take it so seriously they issue a warning.

Poppers are still on sale, of course, but the FDA warns that they will be monitoring the situation and will take additional steps in called for. Is the FDA announcement enough to make you quit?

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Cam July 10, 2021 - 7:22 PM

They were made illegal (or attempted to) in Australia so now the sex shops sell “leather cleaner”
I use them once in a blue moon. They usually just give me a headache. Not really worth the dosh.

Drew K July 10, 2021 - 3:50 PM

I honestly never liked them. They never did anything for me during sex… made me NOT want sex. Friends and I used to pass the bottle around and someone would crack a bad joke and wait to see who would laugh first… but that’s about it. We outgrew that like 10 years ago. 😛

Raul July 10, 2021 - 2:03 PM

Never… gotta have my pops!…ers. Popsers!


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