Home The Sticky Stuff JustFor.Fans Announces a New Tool for Platform Managers

JustFor.Fans Announces a New Tool for Platform Managers

by Alan Breslaw

This may not make a big difference for the models who use JustFor.Fans, but for the people behind the scenes who help some of the top creators manage their pages, JFF had a big announcement today. The fan platform has just introduced the Talent Management Center, a dashboard of sorts for managing multiple creator accounts.

“With the proliferation of fan content, model management companies have sprung up that take care of posting, editing content and otherwise maintaining fan pages on behalf of their clients,” JustFor.fans founder Dominic Ford said in a statement. “Now these companies can maximize their day-to-day productivity by tracking numerous JFF accounts; we even have handy downloadable spreadsheets that list each model and their monthly revenues.”

Anyone currently managing five or more JFF models is invited to apply for the new platform via  [email protected]. After approval, the models must contact customer service to add their accounts to the manager’s roster. 

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