Forget the Oscars—if you want to celebrate some LGBTQ+ nominations today, look no further than the 2021 Lambda Literary Award finalists, just announced!
Slated for a June 1 virtual ceremony, the awards recognize queer excellence in the written word, including Garth Greenwell, Booker Prize–winning Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart, a biography of James Beard, and more. For a full list of nominees, visit Lambdaliterary.org.
How many of these have you read—and what do you want to read next?
READ: Novelist Garth Greenwell on the Eroticism of Frustration and Gratification
Lesbian Fiction
- Bestiary, K-Ming Chang, One World
- Butter Honey Pig Bread, Francesca Ekwuyasi, Arsenal Pulp Press
- Exile Music, Jennifer Steil, Viking
- Fiebre Tropical, Juli Delgado Lopera, Feminist Press
- Pizza Girl, Jean Kyoung Frazier, Doubleday
READ: Kiss Him, Hit Him, Collect Your Reward: The 2020 Booker Prize Winner, ‘Shuggie Bain’
Gay Fiction
- Cleanness, Garth Greenwell, Farrar, Straus and Giroux
- Neotenica, Joon Oluchi Lee, Nightboat Books
- Real Life, Brandon Taylor, Riverhead Books
- Shuggie Bain, Douglas Stuart, Grove Atlantic
- This Town Sleeps, Dennis E. Staples, Counterpoint Press
Bisexual Fiction
- Catherine House, Elisabeth Thomas, Custom House
- How Much of These Hills is Gold, C Pam Zhang, Riverhead Books
- Silence Is My Mother Tongue, Sulaiman Addonia, Graywolf Press
- Take a Hint, Dani Brown, Talia Hibbert, Avon Books
- You Exist Too Much, Zaina Arafat, Catapult
Transgender Fiction
- Finna, Nino Cipri, Tordotcom Publishing
- The Seep, Chana Porter, Soho Press
- The Subtweet, Vivek Shraya, ECW Press
- The Thirty Names of Night, Zeyn Joukhadar, Atria Books
- Trans-Galactic Bike Ride: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories of Transgender and Nonbinary Adventurers, Lydia Rogue, Microcosm Publishing
Bisexual Nonfiction
- Terroir: Love, Out of Place, Natasha Sajé, Trinity University Press
- The Third Rainbow Girl: The Long Life of a Double Murder in Appalachia, Emma Copley Eisenberg, Hachette Books
- This Is Major: Notes of Diana Ross, Dark Girls, and Being Dope, Shayla Lawson, Harper Perennial
- The Wanting Was a Wilderness: Cheryl Strayed’s Wild and the Art of Memoir, Alden Jones, Fiction Advocate
- Wow, No Thank You.: Essays, Samantha Irby, Vintage
Transgender Nonfiction
- The Black Trans Prayer Book, J Mase III & Dane Figueroa Edidi, The Black Trans Prayer Book
- Fairest: A Memoir, Meredith Talusan, Viking
- The Freezer Door, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, Semiotext(e)
- Nepantla Squared: Transgender Mestiz@ Histories in Times of Global Shift, Linda Heidenreich, University of Nebraska Press
- Trans Care, Hil Malatino, University of Minnesota Press
LGBTQ Nonfiction
- All the Young Men, Ruth Coker Burks, Grove Atlantic
- An Excess of Quiet: Selected Sketches by Gustavo Ojeda, 1979–1989, Gabriel Ojeda-Sagué and Erich Kessel Jr., Soberscove Press
- Forget Burial: HIV Kinship, Disability, and Queer/Trans Narratives of Care, Marty Fink, Rutgers University Press
- The Lexington Six: Lesbian and Gay Resistance in 1970s America, Josephine Donovan, University of Massachusetts Press
- The Lonely Letters, Ashon T. Crawley, Duke University Press
Lesbian Poetry
- dayliGht, Roya Marsh, Farrar, Straus and Giroux
- Devil’s Lake, Sarah M. Sala, Tolsun Books
- Flèche, Mary Jean Chan, Faber & Faber
- Funeral Diva, Pamela Sneed, City Lights Books
- : once teeth bones coral :, Kimberly Alidio, Belladonna Collaborative
Gay Poetry
- Fantasia for the Man in Blue, Tommye Blount, Four Way Books
- Guillotine, Eduardo C. Corral, Graywolf Press
- The Malevolent Volume, Justin Phillip Reed, Coffee House Press
- Sacrament of Bodies, Romeo Oriogun, University of Nebraska Press
- Thanksgiving: A Poem, Ted Rees, Golias Books
Bisexual Poetry
- Birthright, George Abraham, Button Poetry
- One God at a Time, Meghan Privitello, YesYes Books
- Salt Body Shimmer, Aricka Foreman, YesYes Books
- sick, Jody Chan, Black Lawrence Press
- Wild Peach, S*an D. Henry-Smith, Futurepoem Books
Transgender Poetry
- Greyhound, Aeon Ginsberg, Noemi Press
- I Love You and I’m Not Dead, Sade LaNay, Argos Books
- More Than Organs, Kay Ulanday Barrett, Sibling Rivalry Press
- The Nancy Reagan Collection, Maxe Crandall, Futurepoem Books
- Theories of Performance, Jay Besemer, The Lettered Streets Press
Lesbian Memoir/Biography
- And The Walls Come Crumbling Down, Tania De Rozario, Gaudy Boy
- The Change: My Great American, Postindustrial, Midlife Crisis Tour, Lori Soderlind, University of Wisconsin Press
- Lady Romeo: The Radical and Revolutionary Life of Charlotte Cushman, America’s First Celebrity, Tana Wojczuk, Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster
- My Autobiography of Carson McCullers, Jenn Shapland, Tin House Books
- Practicing for Love: A Memoir, Nina Kennedy, Dorrance Publishers
Gay Memoir/Biography
- A Dutiful Boy: A Memoir of a Gay Muslim’s Journey to Acceptance, Mohsin Zaidi, Square Peg
- Here For It: Or, How to Save Your Soul in America, R. Eric Thomas, Ballantine Books
- A History of My Brief Body, Billy-Ray Belcourt, Two Dollar Radio
- The Man Who Ate Too Much: The Life of James Beard, John Birdsall, W. W. Norton & Company
- Officer Clemmons: A Memoir, Dr. François S. Clemmons, Catapult