Home Gay Entertainment Forbidden No More: The Return Of NSFW Content On Tumblr

Forbidden No More: The Return Of NSFW Content On Tumblr

And you'd never know, would you?

by Alan Breslaw
An anonymous man with his left hand outstretched

Remember when Tumblr hit the brakes on all things NSFW back in 2018? That was quite the uproar. But guess what? NSFW content is finding its way back onto our dashboards despite the ban.

Tumblr has been trying to give users more control by letting them filter out sensitive content they might not want to stumble upon. You know, the usual suspects: drugs, violence, and, of course, anything remotely sexual.

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Since the big porn purge, traffic took a major hit—around a 30% nosedive. However, not all content in the NSFW realm got the boot. It might slip through the filters if it carries an “artistic, educational, newsworthy, or political” tag. But let’s be honest, those guidelines are as clear as mud.

An anonymous man watching gay pornography via Tumblr

Via Pride

Tumblr has been quite vague about the whole NSFW comeback. Their responses could have been better. Maybe they thought nudity was a significant factor in making Tumblr a hit, but that certainly isn’t how it panned out. Despite the face they may give, it also isn’t entirely here to stay. Not that they’d tell you that outright.

The Stealthy Return and Regulation Efforts

Tumblr’s throwing open the doors again, embracing a broader spectrum of expression, creativity, and artistry. They’ve realized that a bit of skin might reel in more users.

To navigate this daring comeback, Tumblr’s introduced Community Labels. Users and the platform can now tag content, waving a flag for mature or steamy themes. And here’s the kicker: your dashboard’s content will now dance to the tune of your label settings, either flashing or hiding based on your preferences.

Owned by WordPress developer Automattic, Tumblr’s had a policy makeover. They’ve axed the ban on “real-life human genitals or female-presenting nipples” from their community guidelines—quite the turnaround from their previous strict stance.

It seems like Tumblr’s aiming for a balancing act here—letting the artistry flow while keeping an eye on what’s acceptable. These new moves hint at a more inclusive space, acknowledging that artistic expression sometimes “bares it all.” They’re treading a fine line between freedom of expression and responsible content curation. 

Community Response and Repercussions

One of the most buzzworthy pieces of news concerning Tumblr right now is the significant reduction in its staff. This shift isn’t just a hiccup—it’s on-life-support level stuff, signaling a potential seismic shift for the platform. What does this mean in the grand scheme of things?

As of late, most of the current staff is being reassigned to other divisions within Automattic, leaving Tumblr to be managed by a skeletal crew. This translates to a crucial aspect: lighter content moderation. With fewer hands on deck, maintaining the same level of meticulous content scrutiny might be a stretch.

For the non-tech-savvy folks: Yes, the website will still be up and running, but here’s the kicker—those fun updates? They might be less frequent or come to a complete standstill. Reports for harassment or bugs could face delayed responses or, in the worst-case scenario, no human response, with automated messages handling the brunt.

Tumblr's original response to the NSFW ban

Tumblr’s NSFW FAQ (via PC Magazine)

The word on the street is that most of Tumblr’s 139-member staff will transition elsewhere within Automattic, leaving a skeletal crew of about 69 folks to run the show. This drastic reduction might halve the team’s capacity, potentially impacting the platform’s functionalities.

Now, it gets murky. Details about the specific roles affected remain uncertain. Whether these changes will directly affect usability and moderation is still being determined. If the trimmed-down team manages content updates like checkmarks or events, the platform may experience minor alterations or none at all.

The specifics about the Bumblr team—a possibly integral subset managing specific aspects of the website—remain somewhat cryptic. If they’re responsible for content updates, the impact on usability and moderation could range from negligible to significant. The hope is for a functional website over a dormant one desperate for updates.

Undeniably, the news of staff reductions is a blow. It raises concerns about potential mishaps or operational glitches due to the reduced workforce. 

The Evolving Trajectory of Tumblr’s NSFW Journey

The recent staff reductions at Tumblr inject an unforeseen variable into the platform’s already complex narrative. With content moderation potentially taking a hit due to a leaner team, the direction of NSFW content on Tumblr is, at best, cloudy. And it wasn’t exactly clear, beforehand, so…

The platform’s revival of NSFW content and the rollout of Community Labels marked a pivotal moment, aiming to strike a balance between diverse expression and a safer online environment. However, this recent shift in staff dynamics could tilt this delicate balance.

The future hinges on achieving a harmonious balance—a space where users revel in expressive freedom within ethical and legal bounds. Tumblr’s ongoing journey with NSFW content is evolving, and the recent staff reductions serve as a wildcard in determining the platform’s image and trajectory moving forward.

Prepare for shifts, brace for change, and hope for the best. This isn’t the final curtain call for Tumblr, but it’s undoubtedly a transformative moment that might shape its trajectory in the future. And hell, if they keep losing staff, maybe the erotic content they once so feared is the thing that’ll save it.

Sources: TechCrunch, Tumblr Staff, dualumina post

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