“Lost Boys” continues with Brody trapped in the depths of the secret government labs. Stripped of clothes and bound in a cage, Brody has no way of escaping the plans of the nameless and faceless men of the shadow organization. Every minute that passes, he begins to regret his previous activities, knowing they contributed to countless men being in the same helpless situation he finds him in.
When a mysterious man enters the room, he fears he is one of the scientists in charge. He finds out, however, that he is so much more. The handsome man doesn’t provide much in the way of answers, but assures him that he’ll be OK. Without much of an option, he must learn to trust him, even without knowing anything more about him than his name.
This trust comes in handy when he’s bound and strapped to a table later in the night by the man’s colleagues. Looking to him for hope, Brody endures their gropes and probes before being milked of his precious, potent Theban cum… all while the secret ally watches and waits for his next move.
CHAPTER 8: Caged Animal