Home Gay Editorials Rocco Hard’s Sportswear Is Too Hot For Instagram (Apparently)

Rocco Hard’s Sportswear Is Too Hot For Instagram (Apparently)

by Alan Breslaw
Rocco Hard's (fully clothed) butt is too hot for Insta.

Have you heard about the latest drama with lycra-and-spandex-daddy model Rocco Hard’s Instagram? So, on January 8, he posted this photo wearing sportswear, looking all kinds of fine with his back to the camera, and guess what? Instagram pulled it down! And Rocco’s like, “Seriously? Where is the nudity?!” I mean, yes, it’s hot, but we’re all wondering the same, right? Is it against Instagram TOS to just be gay and sexy at the same time?

Rocco Hard's Instagram post with his response

via Rocco Hard’s X account. Not even Rocco’s phone battery can handle that ass.

It’s not just Rocco facing this. A lot of folks in the LGBTQ+ community feel like Instagram’s got it out for us sometimes. Their whole NSFW (Not Safe For Work) policy seems to hit us harder. It’s like, post a pic showing a bit of skin or suggesting anything remotely sexy, and boom, it’s gone. Meanwhile, you see straight influencers pushing the envelope, and their posts are just chilling there, getting all the likes.

In all likelihood, this was probably a decision from a bot. It’s particularly odd when you consider that there’s far more risque pictures on his account. That’s the best case scenario for instagram, at least, and by far the most charitable. However, if that’s the case one wonders why instagram hasn’t reinstated the picture.

Let’s be real, Instagram says they’re all about creating a safe space, but sometimes it feels like they’re playing favorites.

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It’s not like Rocco’s the only one this has happened to. Annie Brown, a professor at UC San Diego, had this to say to The Advocate on how common it is for queer accounts to get shadow banned:

Even though Instagram supposedly allows for artistic representations of nudity, many users have observed that large accounts that promote the male gaze (i.e., Playboy, Kardashians) can get away with explicit nudity, while queer, non-white, and feminist creators are more likely to have their accounts hidden from non-followers.

Someone scrolling through Instagram's profile

Instagram is our stage, you know? (via Business Insider)

What’s the deal, Instagram? We’re not talking about explicit stuff here, just regular photos that might have a bit of sexiness. It’s not just about losing a photo from a fetish model: this whole thing makes you think about how much power these social media giants have. They’re shaping what’s normal and what’s not. And when they’re inconsistent like this, you have to ask: are we really moving forward or just stuck in the same old cycle of what’s “acceptable”?

So, Rocco Hard’s sportswear drama? It’s more than just a hot guy getting his photo taken down. It’s about how we, as a community, navigate these digital spaces. We need to keep pushing for fairness and visibility, making sure our voices are as loud and proud as they can be. 

Sources: Rocco Hard, The Advocate

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